Better Together: A United Podcast Show Notes

Episode 30 - Heather Sodade Show Notes

  • KJ and Heather first talk about key differences between training for beach volleyball vs. indoor.
  • Heather shares her coaching philosophy for developing well-rounded beach players.
  • We discuss how playing beach volleyball improves an athlete’s overall game.
  • She tells us her perspective on necessary mental shifts that indoor players need to make when competing in beach volleyball.
  • Heather covers the responsibilities of beach players during tournaments - and how these can be impactful in teaching athletes to advocate for themselves.

Episode 29 - Alison Nagel Show Notes

  • Alison first shares with us what inspired her to get into coaching.
  • We touch on what she believes is the most overlooked skill in volleyball.
  • They discuss fostering a positive team environment and its importance.
  • She tells us what she considers the most rewarding aspect of being a coach.
  • We talk about life lessons that volleyball can teach us. 

Episode 28 - Melissa Reis Show Notes

  • Kj and Melissa discuss how her experience as a coach influences her perspective as an official. 
  • Melissa shares a memorable moment with us that rejuvenated her appreciation for volleyball. 
  • They cover common misconceptions about the role of an official and frequent misunderstandings of spectators and players, such as the double rule. 
  • She tells us the responsibilities of the R1 vs. the R2. 
  • Melissa shares how parents and spectators can contribute to a positive playing environment. 
  • She explains the process that referees go through to ensure consistency and fairness.

Episode 27 - DADCAST Pt 2 Show Notes

  • As we continue our discussion from last week, we jump into player development and how we can support our athletes.

  • They share ways to help your players navigate through motivational slumps - understanding that motivation comes and goes but being disciplined in your efforts, and creating opportunities for athletes to be in an environment where everyone is striving for excellence. 

  • We chat about tournament nutrition, hydration, rest for proper fuel, and mental preparation for travel.

Episode 26 - DADCAST Pt 1 Show Notes

  • Korohen and Scott first discuss with our dads what advice they would offer new volleyball parents who are joining a club.

  • We touch on communication throughout the club and what they have to say in terms of suggestions for improvement. 

  • We hear their thoughts on parent access during evaluations as well as their perspective on comfortability when it comes to discussing issues with leadership.

Episode 25 - Jasmine B Show Notes

  • We hear Jasmine’s take on the recruiting process and how she navigated her individual journey. 

  • She tells us how staying aware and in tune with your mindset, being mindful of nutrition, etc. plays a big part in the ups and downs - being sure you are taking good care of yourself. 

  • They touch on differences between club ball and a D1 athletic college program.

Episode 24 - Riley Lovell Show Notes

  • Riley discusses her perspective on overcoming doubt and keeping her options open during the recruitment process.

  • She tells us how she balances showcasing skills for recruiters but also staying focused on your team’s success.

  • We hear the benefits of having a reset buddy on the court.

  • She shares her mindset amidst recovering from shoulder surgery - taking mental reps and focusing on herself. 

Episode 23 - KJ Solo - Attacking Show Notes

  • KJ shares a few different common issues that hitters face when attacking.
  • She covers being on time when the ball is in front of your hitting shoulder. 
  • We discuss the four step approach when adjusting their timing. 
  • She also touches on arm placement and why your ball may be taping the net.

Episode 22 - Taiki Peterson Show Notes

  • We hear about Taiki’s journey with how he became an Indiana Tech men’s volleyball commit - why he chose this university as well as the process he experienced. 
  • Taiki shares his academic and athletic goals that he has for his time at Indiana Tech. 
  • We learn about his thoughts on how playing in a smaller boys program affected his experience as well as how he thinks the program will continue to grow over time. 
  • He tells us how the coaches and environment in the boys program helped him develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed.

Episode 21 - Sophie Krichev Show Notes

  • We discuss Sophie’s recruitment experience and she shares a few tips for her peers as they navigate this journey themselves. 
  • She describes how her mindset has evolved over time - from when she began playing volleyball to now. 
  • KJ and Sophie talk about maintaining motivation during tough times or personal setbacks. 
  • Sophie shares her proudest moment as a volleyball athlete so far and one skill that she has worked the hardest to improve. 
  • We cover how to balance working on your strengths versus improving your weaknesses.

Episode 20 - Alex Owen Show Notes

  • KJ and Alex discuss her coaching philosophy. 
  • Alex tells us what she feels is the most important quality in a developing player. 
  • She explains how to balance the focus between individual skill development and team success. 
  • We cover the importance of encouraging players to be accountable to themselves and to each other. 
  • Alex shares how she strives to build a positive growth-oriented team culture.

Episode 19 - Alicia Kirchev Show Notes

  • Alicia tells us the biggest takeaways from attending recruiting seminars at AVCA last year.
  • We discuss how parents may remain patient while encouraging and supporting their athlete. 
  • She tells us the role that character and attitude play in the recruitment process and how recruiters assess that. 
  • Alicia covers when players should start thinking about recruitment and what steps they may take to begin preparing. 
  • Kj and Alicia touch on common misunderstandings about recruitment, and how important game statistics are compared to other factors like leadership, communication, or versatility on the court.

Episode 18 - Macy Phillips Show Notes

  • Macy tells us how she went about making decisions in regard to recruitment and how that process played out for her.
  • We discuss philosophies Coach Macy applies - such as doing everything out of love and with a servant mindset. 
  • As a fairly new coach yet a seasoned player, she tells us what she wants to bring to her team’s experience in the upcoming season.
  • Macy shares how she strives to keep athletes motivated during tough moments or personal slumps.
  • We talk about how important the role of communication is and fostering open dialogue between players and coaches.

Episode 17 - Cameron Bucknor Show Notes

  • Cam walks us through the process of her journey to becoming a student athlete. 
  • She tells us what inspires her to continue to grow as an athlete and how being disciplined on and off the court brings good results. 
  • We talk about what led Cam to pursue coaching - and what surprised her the most transitioning from being a player to taking on a coaching role. 
  • Cam explains how she builds connection, chemistry and trust with her players. 
  • We touch on the importance of the next play mentality.

Episode 16 - KJ Solo 2 Show Notes

  • We have our second solo episode this week where our host KJ discusses all things regarding serve-receive - one of the most critical skills in volleyball.
  • We begin with talking about seeing the serve and movement to position. 
  • She goes into detail about creating angles and communication.
  • Korohen then covers the importance of mindset and trust.

Episode 15 - Aaryn Lee Show Notes

  • Aaryn tells us how our boys program began and how it's grown as we make our way into our third season.
  • We discuss challenges that present themselves when promoting boys volleyball in the area.
  • She tells us what boys can gain from volleyball that other sports may not offer.
  • We touch on college scholarship opportunities for boys volleyball. 
  • We discuss increasing participation and interest in the sport. 
  • Aaryn covers common misconceptions about boys volleyball as well as how she tailors her style of training specifically to benefit them.
Episode 14 - Mary Ceil Show Notes
  • We talk about her significant ankle injury. She tells us how determination, patience, and her love for the game led to her getting back out on the court.
  • She explains how positive perspective, even amongst doubt, is so important when going through recovery and physical therapy.
  • We touch on how experiencing her injury created an opportunity for gratitude and allowed her to gain fresh appreciation for the sport and her ability to play again. 
  • Mary Ceil shares how being an athlete has made her a better person and helps her to positively build relationships. 
  • She walks us through how she prepares for practice.
  • We cover how she tends to balance other aspects of life outside of volleyball.
Episode 13 - Caitlin T Show Notes (Part 2)
  • We touch on Caitlin’s coaching journey and the challenging transition of going from being an athlete to a coach. 
  • She expresses the benefit of trial and error - and giving your players the chance to find the flow. 
  • We learn what Coach Caitlin believes are attributes that a good teammate possesses - and how these can show up differently in different athletes. 
  • She tells us what inspired her to play volleyball in the first place as well as what led her into pursuing coaching.
Episode 12 - Caitlin T Show Notes (Part 1)
  • Caitlin walks us through her recruitment journey – making her own highlight videos, reaching out to schools, touring a few of her top choices, and how she ended up at Belhaven. 
  • We cover some of the decisions and sacrifices she made to play at the next level. 
  • She tells us about the different positions she’s played during the course of her college career – and how staying open to these opportunities were beneficial to her growth. 
  • We discuss the positive mindset a connection huddle can bring about and hyping up your teammates
  • Caitlin shares a phrase that helps to center herself in high pressure moments.
Episode 11 - Korohen Jones Solo Show Notes
  • We have our first solo episode this week where our host KJ discusses all things regarding serving - specifically mindset mastering and executing high-level serves under pressure. 
  • We begin with the fundamentals of serving - key elements and common mistakes. 
  • She goes into detail about the importance of mental training - and how this is equally crucial. We touch on visualization, staying present, distractions, as well as routine and rituals. 
  • Korohen then covers the topic of building confidence and overcoming pressure as well as strategies that may be utilized to handle these situations - such as focusing on your routine, the ‘next play’ mentality, and remembering that making mistakes is part of the game.

Episode 10 - Lydia Hitchcock Show Notes (Part 2)

  • We discuss failure and how it can take a toll on you mentally but with perseverance and dedication you can experience immense growth - being present in the moment and allowing yourself to feel those feelings but then taking initiative to push yourself and reach your goals!
  • Lydia tells us how she stays focused and motivated when it comes to her goals. Motivation comes and goes - this is where discipline comes in. 
  • We hear about the personal sacrifices that she has made in order to pursue her volleyball journey - and how giving these up taught her new things. 
  • She tells us important qualities that she believes creates success in volleyball and how she cultivates this in herself and others - the energy that you bring and create, and being a good teammate.
Episode 9 - Lydia Hitchcock Show Notes (Part 1)
  • Lydia shares the details of her unique recruiting story - and her journey from Itawamba Community College to Huntingdon. She touches on how attending a junior college allowed her the opportunity to gain experience that coaches were looking for. 
  • We discuss the pressures of a college athlete and how she combats these - specifically mental health. 
  • She tells us how time management made such a difference in helping her determine her own schedule and how utilizing DND on your phone at times can be more beneficial than you think. 
  • Lydia tells us about her beach volleyball experience - the physicality/mentality differences and how this increased her speed and vertical.
Episode 8 - Lydia Compton Show Notes
  • Lydia and Korohen discuss her experience as a player and what led her into coaching.
  • We touch on the importance of the culture we strive to provide at United and how a player’s value and worth is not found in volleyball. 
  • Lydia explains how she creates an environment where her team can challenge themselves without fear of failure and how fostering that type of space creates opportunity for them to work through the mental aspect of overcoming hurdles together. 
  • We discuss what Lydia feels is the most important skill in volleyball and how she intends on building chemistry and trust with her players.
  • Lydia explains that getting to know your players is important when it comes to the ability to teach valuable lessons through losses.
Episode 7 - Gracie Lynn Show Notes (Part 2)
  • GL tells us a bit about reflection exercises and how she benefits from them.
  • We discuss team bonding and cultivating times just to enjoy the present.
  • We hear her thoughts on what is expected of a college athlete, the pressures involved, and being grounded in who you are. 
  • She tells us about her biggest challenge as an athlete - and how she has overcome this. 
  • GL shares some golden nuggets of advice when it comes to furthering your volleyball journey and a few things that aspiring athletes can do that help bring about positive growth.

Episode 6 - Gracie Lynn Show Notes (Part 1)

  • We hear about Gracie Lynn’s experience with recruitment and what led her to committing in the fall of her junior year - choosing to continue her volleyball journey at Samford.
  • How the entirety of recruitment can be an overwhelming but rewarding process. 
  • The importance of enjoying the overall campus environment rather than just the athletics program you are joining - you must love what you represent!
  • She touches on some tough decisions that are necessary when committing to a higher level of play - and the difference that sleep, nutrition, and stress management makes in the days leading up to games. 
  • We discuss the impact of coaches who genuinely believe in their players - the knowledge she gains along the way from each coach and how over time combining all she has learned plays a huge part in the athlete she has become. 
  • She explains that managing your emotions requires a lot of effort yet results in important growth. Emotions have a time and place and can contribute electricity to competition, yet not every emotion belongs in every moment. 
  • Teammates process emotions differently - and this is okay! Not everyone processes like you, but everyone processes. Passion for the game can be expressed in many different ways.
Episode 5 - Kennedy Vaughn Show Notes
  • Kennedy explains the process she went through in recruiting and how she decided she wanted to commit to UAB. 
  • She tells us how volleyball has taught her to be selfless and confident - and how mistakes are not something to be hyper-focused on. We may acknowledge them, learn from them, and not allow these bad moments to turn into bad days. 
  • We talk about how leaning on positive affirmations allows her to maintain focus and discipline and the importance of a positive mindset
  • How internal and external distractions affect her - and how she combats these with that idea of holding a positive mindset
  • How she approaches practices on days where she is feeling unmotivated 
  • We touch on her thoughts about the difference between hindering and helpful advice

Episode 4 - Michelle Mitchell Show Notes

Amidst our 2025 club season evaluations, Coach Korohen sits down with United VB Registrar Michelle Mitchell. We discuss lots of FAQs - our upcoming Signing Day, fall and winter offerings at United, our UU membership, and SRVA Registration.

Episode 3 - Eevy Bellar Show Notes
  • Eevy explains that her recruitment story was a rather quick process - and how after her campus visit she knew that CIU was where she wanted to continue her journey after graduating. 
  • She tells us how being in tune with those around her as well as being a vocal leader impacts her ability to manage frustration and agitation between teammates - and how reconnecting in these moments can provide calmness. 
  • The importance of encouragement - whether this is what she is needing individually, providing this to teammates, and how it allows you to get in the right mindset before a game. 
  • How immediate feedback after mistakes occur can lead to positive outcomes and the importance of communication 
  • We dive into her thoughts on balancing hard work and having fun during practices

Episode 2 - Lauren Burrell Show Notes

  • Lauren tells us about her experience with the recruitment process and how this led to her committing to Union the fall of her senior year.
  • She provides advice for younger athletes who are interested in playing volleyball at the next level - such as having a strong work ethic, being the best teammate you can be, and being adaptable. 
  • We discuss how she stays motivated and focused on her goals, her core values, and remembering who she is playing for.
  • The impactful role that coaches and mentors have played in her volleyball journey
  • She tells us how she handles the pressures and expectations of being a college athlete, why time management is so important, and how important communication is with your coaches and professors. 

Episode 1 - KeAra Bowen Show Notes

  • We get the details on her recruitment process as she committed to play volleyball at Winthrop University in South Carolina. 
  • How consistency from Winthrop’s head coach and diving deep into the campus atmosphere played into her decision of committing to play at a higher level
  • She explains how selflessness is an important quality in being a good teammate 
  • The effect of connection and chemistry within a team and how this helps create an environment to build strong relationships
  • The sacrifices and discipline required to play at a National level in club ball during your junior/senior years of high school 
  • How she (individually and with her teammates) handle big pressure moments during tournaments and prepare for game play
  • How constructive criticism and calm encouragement are beneficial during a timeout